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The video performance is trying to replicate the in-person audition experience as much as possible. Each video should be one long, continuous take (i.e. you should not edit together each part of the audition with breaks and stops throughout; however you may practice making several long videos of your audition and submit the best one).


Your video must be made in one take and the separate parts should not be edited and instead be played straight through to replicate an in person audition experience. 

We are very happy to receive auditions made with a smartphone. If it’s reasonably clear, we will be able to use the material. If there are issues, we’ll get in touch with you.


You can make your video wherever you’d like, but consider playing in a larger space that sounds good to you and be sure that your face, hands and instrument are visible. Make sure your music stand is not covering you and that judges can see your fingering, bowing, posture, etc.


For more tips on how to submit a great video audition, click HERE.


1.    If you do not have one, create a YouTube account using the YouTube app (you’ll need a Google account first) or visit the site. Directions on how to create an account. 

2.    Have someone help record your audition. Make sure you are clearly visible and the stand is not in front of you. The video must clearly show the musician’s face, hands, and instrument. Instructions on how to upload your video on various devices

3.    At the start of your video, please state  the following:

  •  “Hello, my name is __________. And I play ________ (instrument).”

  • “The solo I am performing is … (state the name of the piece and composer)."

  • Then perform your audition in one take - no editing together of several videos we are trying to replicate an in-person audition, you can always restart something in your video - remember that just because it is video, it is not meant to be a PERFECT audition. 

4.    Once you’ve recorded your video, label/name the video like this:  

Student Name (First and last)_Instrument Name

5.    You will also have to change the video's privacy settings from “Public” to “Unlisted,” which is done in the field below where you renamed it. You will want to have your privacy settings of your video set as “Unlisted,” not “Private” or "Public.” In this way, CKYO will be able to share the link with the judges reviewing players of your instrument. Only our audition team team with this “Unlisted” link will be able to access your audition. Help on changing your video's privacy settings.

6.    When your video is uploaded and you have your link (please watch it before submitting to make sure it is the video you want to submit and it works), complete the form below to submit your Audition video and information. The form is also LINKED HERE.

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