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Tuition & Fees INFORMATION
77th Season: 2024-2025

Central Kentucky Youth Orchestras provides the highest quality orchestra training to students from across throughout Central Kentucky. The base tuition CKYO charges each year covers only a portion (64%) of the cost of the audition-based  CKYO orchestras, with the additional costs covered by donations, grants, and fundraisers. Tuition varies from orchestra to orchestra based on the amount of instruction, rehearsal, and performance time of the ensemble.

CKYO Tuition is collected in two installments - once each semester (in September 2024 and January 2025). In addition, CKYO asks each student to participate in some fundraising to further advance our mission at CKYO. Fundraising can be fulfilled by selling plants in the fall from Pemberton’s Greenhouse (Poinsettias and greenery in November/December); selling an advertisement in our printed concert programs; or participating in other fundraising events as they may arise. To opt-out of participating in any fundraising, a family may choose to pay a $75 per semester fundraising cash opt-out as part of their tuition. A fundraising cash opt-out is considered a donation to CKYO and we will provide you with a donation acknowledgement form at the end of each calendar year for all donations made to CKYO.


  • Symphony Orchestra: $290 per semester = $580 for full season

  • Concert Orchestra: $275 per semester = $550 for full season

  • Repertory Orchestra: $260 per semester = $520 for full season

  • Bravo String Orchestra: $245 per semester = $490 for full season

  • Jazz Arts Orchestra (Jan – May): $260

  • Jazz Repertory Orchestra (Jan – May): $245


*CKYO’s 2024-2025 tuition is the same rate per orchestra as the 2023-2024 season tuition rates. CKYO reassesses tuition prices every two years.


2024-2025 Tuition DUE DATES (if paid by semester)

Fall Tuition due September 30, 2024

Spring Tuition due:  January 15, 2025


Families receive a 10% sibling/multi-orchestra discount that applies to all families with two or more children participating in a CKYO ensemble. Discount applies to each musician’s tuition amount.

Did you know? CKYO does not charge families the tuition amount that is equal to the full cost of running the audition-based orchestras. CKYO Tuition only pays for 64% of what it costs CKYO to provide this high-quality orchestral experience to your students.  Your tuition dollars do not pay for any of CKYO’s Community Programs (Friends in Music or MusicWorks), nor does it pay for more than 25% of administrative overhead.

If you are able to help CKYO make up some of that tuition difference, consider making an additional, tax deductible donation on your tuition payment form.

  • Consider paying 100% of the cost** of your student participating in their CKYO Orchestra and make an additional donation (on top of tuition listed above) of:

    • Symphony Orchestra: $160 per semester or $320 annually

    • Concert Orchestra: $150 per semester or $300 annually

    • Repertory Orchestra: $145 per semester or $290 annually

    • Bravo String Orchestra: $135 per semester or $270 annually

    • Jazz Arts Orchestra: $145 for spring semester

    • Jazz Repertory Orchestra: $135 for spring semester


  • Consider paying 75% of the cost*** of your student participating in their CKYO Orchestra and make an additional donation (on top of tuition listed above)of: 

    • Symphony Orchestra: $50 per semester or $100 annually

    • Concert Orchestra: $45 per semester or $90 annually

    • Repertory Orchestra: $45 per semester or $90 annually

    • Bravo String Orchestra: $40 per semester or $80 annually

    • Jazz Arts Orchestra: $45 for spring semester

    • Jazz Repertory Orchestra: $40 for spring semester


  • Pay it forward: Sponsor the tuition cost of another CKYO student. Consider donating the cost of tuition for a student who requests financial assistance for one or both semesters.


**100% of the tuition cost reflects the true, full and unsubsidized cost per CKYO student to participate in their orchestra. This includes everything from artistic costs (coachings, music purchases and rentals, artistic staff salaries, etc.) to operating and administrative expenses (venue rental, subscription services to email and text communication platforms, copying and printing music, repair costs for CKYO owned instruments, operations staff salaries, etc.) 

***75% of the tuition cost reflects only the artistic cost per student to participate in their orchestra. This includes expenses like sectional coachings, part purchases and rentals, and artistic staff salaries (conductors). 


Semester Tuition can be paid in full at the two dates listed above or over the course of the season by setting up a tuition payment plan. Payment plans run September – April (8 equal payments). 

Below are the monthly installments for each ensemble:

  • Symphony Orchestra: $72.50, Sept – April.

  • Concert Orchestra: $68.75 Sept – April.

  • Repertory Orchestra: $65.00, Sept – April.

  • Bravo String Orchestra: $61.25, Sept – April.

  • Jazz Arts Orchestra (Jan – May): $65.00 - Jan – April.

  • Jazz Repertory Orchestra (Jan – May): $61.25 - Jan – April.

CKYO works hard to keep tuition as low as we can, covering about 64% of the cost of running the orchestras. CKYO’s tuition scholarship is available to any musician who needs help with tuition. No musician is turned away for lack of ability to pay.  Apply now for TUITION ASSISTANCE.


Central Kentucky Youth Orchestras tuition is non-refundable.

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